Quail Egg Fry OR Kada Mutta Fry

Quail Egg Fry OR Kada Mutta Fry
Quail Egg Fry OR Kada Mutta Fry
egg masala fry
thattukada egg fry recipes
hard boiled eggs recipes
breakfast recipes
  • Prep Time
    5 Mins
  • Cook Time
    5 Mins
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    10 Mins

Quail Egg Fry or Kada Mutta Fry, is a great dish which is dry & spicy and is a popular Thattukada/ Street Food dish mainly in Kozhikode Beach, Kerala. It is a quick and easy starter, appetizer, egg salad or can be served as a side dish. It involves hard boiled quail eggs and flavorful masala. Quail Egg Masala Fry or Quail egg roast is an easy side dish you can make for rice. It goes well with rasam, sambar or any curry. This delicious Quail Egg Fry or Kada Mutta Fry can be part of your breakfast recipes.

There is a popular saying “Aayiram kozhikku ara kaada” or half Quail is equivalent to thousand chickens. Quail and Quail eggs have lots of health benefits. It possess more nutritional benefits when compared to chicken eggs. Calories in one Quail egg is 14 whereas chicken egg has 75 calories. A single quail egg provides a significant chunk of your daily vitamin B12, selenium, riboflavin, and choline needs, along with some iron.

So, there is no better reason to include Quail eggs in your daily diet. Do checkout our other egg recipes.

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Quail Egg Fry | Kada Mutta Fry
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    If you do not wish to try this curry with quail eggs, then replace it with chicken eggs and reduce the number of eggs by 3 or 4.

    thattukada egg fry recipes

    Add water and salt to a saucepan and boil the eggs for 5 mins.

    breakfast recipes

    Keep the boiled eggs in cold water for couple of mins, then remove the shell and keep it aside. Also slice the shallots.


    Heat oil in a pan and saute the onions and curry leaves till they are fried and golden brown.


    Mix chicken masala powder, chili powder and fennel seed powder and saute till oil separates.

    hard boiled eggs recipes

    Add boiled eggs and toss well. Make sure the masala is well coated on the eggs.

    egg masala fry

    Sprinkle some salt and switch off the flame.

    Quail Egg Fry OR Kada Mutta Fry

    Our mouth watering Kaada Mutta Fry is ready to be served. Enjoy it as an appetizer with Sulaimani or black tea.

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